Location: Parade gathers at Brewster Memorial Field
Parade will travel North on Main Street to the flag pole at Wolfeboro Dockside
Time: Parade forms 08:45; parade starts 09:00
Telephone: 703-798-8978
Email: paulhv@aol.com
American Legion Harriman-Hale Post 18 with assistance from the Winnipesaukee Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will lead a Memorial Day Ceremony in Wolfeboro on 30 May 2022. Memorial Day is a federal holiday for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day started in 1868 as a way to commemorate those killed in the Civil War. Memorial Day was later expanded to commemorate all those killed in America’s subsequent wars. READ MORE