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Memorial Day Celebration in Wolfeboro

Location: Veterans gather at Brewster Memorial Field
Parade will travel North on Main Street to the flag pole at Wolfeboro Dockside
Parade forms 08:45; parade starts 09:00

On Monday, 29 May 2023 the public is invited to join with American Legion Post 18 in marking Memorial Day with a short parade and a brief ceremony at Dockside in Wolfeboro.

All veterans are urged to gather at Brewster Field [Pickering Corner] between 08:30 and 09:00.  Molly the Trolley will be available to transport those veterans and members of the public who are unable to march in the parade.  Then at 09:00 the veterans accompanied by the Kingswood High School Band will march down South Main Street and turn onto Dockside.  Everyone will gather in Cate Park around the Band Stand. 

The Post 18 Chaplain will say a prayer.  Then the Daughters of the American Revolution will recite a patriotic poem.  The Boy Scouts will lead the public in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.  One of the Daughters will lead the public in singing the National Anthem.  While the Boy Scouts will lower the flag to half-staff, echo taps will be played. Finally there will be a ceremonial firing salute while the American Legion Auxiliary scatters petals into Lake Winnipesaukee.

Before dispersing, there will be a few words on the significance of the occasion by the Post Commander.

All veterans are invited to join with Post 18 to march down South Main Street to the ceremonies at Dockside.

Please feel free to direct any questions to Paul Vivian at (703) 798-8978 or or Tom Southern at (317) 432-1517 or