Location: Great Hall at Wolfeboro Town Hall
84 South Main St, Wolfeboro
Host: Wolfeboro Area Chamber of Commerce
Telephone: 603-569-2200
Web: www.wolfeborochamber.com
Voters will have the opportunity to meet candidates and address issues important to them prior to voting in March. Wolfeboro’s 18th Annual Candidates Forum will be presented by Wolfeboro Area Chamber of Commerce at 5:30p.m. Wednesday, February 26. The forum is free and open to the public and will take place in Great Hall at Wolfeboro Town Hall.
“We encourage people to attend the forum,” offers Chamber of Commerce President Kevin Lawlor. “Those in the audience will have an opportunity to ask questions and get to know those running in a contested seat,” he adds.
Three people running for two open seats for a 3-year term on Board of Selectmen are Luke Freudenberg, Linda Murray, and David Senecal. Also invited are Jeanne Mitchell and Thomas Zotti, both running for the one open seat for a 2-year term for Supervisor of Checklist.
Randy Walker of Walker & Varney P.C. will generously provide volunteer services as Moderator of Wolfeboro’s Candidates Forum.
Voters are welcome to submit questions for the candidates in advance to mary@wolfeborochamber.com. Questions can also be given to the moderator at the forum.
For additional information on Wolfeboro’s Candidates Forum telephone the Chamber of Commerce at 569-2200.