Location: 396 South Main St.
Wolfeboro, NH 03894 USA
E-mail: info@kingswoodtheater.com
Web: http://www.kingswoodtheater.com/
Performances open to the public.
Location: 396 South Main St.
Wolfeboro, NH 03894 USA
E-mail: info@kingswoodtheater.com
Web: http://www.kingswoodtheater.com/
Performances open to the public.
Mailing Address: PO Box 223
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
E-mail: info@clearlakeschorale.org
Web: https://www.clearlakeschorale.org/
A community chorus established to perform a wide range of fine choral works, from a variety of styles and periods, which satisfies our membership, our audiences and our music director.
Web: http://www.captainwolfband.com/
Music. Poetry.