NH Boat Auction

Vintage Boats Galore - And More


It’s that time again in America’s Oldest Summer Resort Community when boats and boat- ing and all things lake life visibly exemplify the history and stories of life on New Hamp- shire freshwater lakes.

And nothing celebrates the lore of summer lake fun better than the New England Vintage Boat and Car Auction hosted annually in July by the Wolfeboro-based New Hampshire Boat Museum. It’s a not-to-be-missed annual event; a time to “ooh and aah”, experience the romance of a by-gone era and, perhaps, even take home a trophy from the collection of beautiful boats, cars, themed rustic furnishings and nautical memorabilia up for sale.

However, what has for the past 18 years in July been an exciting outdoor, under-tent event will be hosted differently this year with organizers hopeful that a global pandemic will not dampen enthusiasm among bidders forced to compete virtually in an Internet-based format.


This year, no bidding cards; no familiar auction tent. Instead, NHBM’s auction, set to be- gin at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, July 18, will be strictly virtual, meaning auction registration, pre- bidding and bidding will take place online only at https://www.proxibid.com/New-Hamp- shire-Boat-Museum/2020-New-Hampshire-Boat-Museum-Auction/event-catalog/180675

Despite this year’s absence of in-person bidding, auction items can be viewed at the muse- um’s website www.NHBM.org , or, for those who want to “kick the tires”, live previews are READ MORE…